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Nameless Translators
Important / rules-info
Important rules and information about this project
General 1. Don’t be rude/inappropriate. 2. Don’t use inappropriate and / or vulgar content / language. 3. Don’t over-mention roles/users. 4. Don’t advertise. 5. Don’t troll in any form. 6. Don’t spam / flood the chat. 7. Follow channel topics. 8. No racism or take part in any kind of discrimination. 9. Don’t use an inappropriate Username / Avatar / Game Status. 10. Don’t evade punishments. 11. Don’t send malicious threats. 12. Don’t advertise in DM. 13. Don’t excessively @mention Staff and/or Support Team members, unless chat is busy and you’re already in a conversation. Nameless Creator Protection Breaking any of the rules below and/or not cooperating with the staff team will result in a permanent ban from any/all Nameless platforms. This applies to modules, templates or anything created for Nameless by the 3rd party. You may do these if you have consent from the author. 1. Do not re-sell and/or re-distribute the work. 2. Do not claim the work as your own. 3. Do not steal the code, graphic or anything related to the work. 4. Do not use stolen work. 5. Do NOT immediately request a chargeback after purchasing a resource through our website. (edited)
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