Guild icon
Nameless Translators
Staff / community
Community Updates BOT 23.08.2020 11:12
This channel has been set up to receive official Discord announcements for admins and moderators of Community servers. We'll let you know about important updates, such as new moderation features or changes to your server's eligibility for Server Discovery, here. You can change which channel these messages are sent to at any time inside Server Settings. We recommend choosing your staff channel, as some information may be sensitive to your server. Thanks for choosing Discord as the place to build your community!
Community Updates SERVER 19.11.2020 23:56
Hey Admins and Mods,
  • The amount of members required to join Server Discovery serverdiscovery has been lowered to 7,000 members (from 10k). We plan to continue lowering this requirement as time goes on because small communities are great communities too! Slowly lowering the requirements over time means we can properly scale our own moderation and ensure communities in Server Discovery are safe for everyone.
  • For server moderators on the go, you can now publish Announcement channel messages on mobilestatusonlinemobile. Just long press a message in an Announcement channel and you'll see a publish button! If you don't see it, you may need to update your app.
Community Updates SERVER 22.12.2020 1:26
Hey Admin and Mods, Today, we are excited to release our new Rules Screening feature to all communities. We all know that joining a new community can often be overwhelming and confusing. A great way to help set new members up for success is to outline a set of rules and guidelines that describe your community’s culture and how one should behave in it. Rules Screening gives you a simple, clean way to ensure that potential members can understand the guidelines for your community before joining, helping ensure that they can be positive additions to your community. If enabled, new members will be prompted to read your rules when they join your server, and until they agree to them and pass your verification level requirements, they will not be able to talk, react, or DM other members. For servers that traditionally have not used gating mechanisms (e.g. bot role gate) know that enabling Rules Screening does create more friction to joining and could lead to a decrease in new member joins. However, it does offer the least friction possible for anyone who wants new members to agree to rules. We also know communities often need more sophisticated screening methods like custom response/manual application, oAuth, and third party connections. We are hard at work building those so that we can release them to you soon as well. As always, please provide any feedback or comments on these new features so we can help improve them moving forward! Happy Screening & Happy Holidays. P.S. If you grant roles to new members on join via a bot, it will bypass this feature. We recommend updating your bot to only grant roles once members pass the screening. Look for the pending flag in our developer documentation. P.S.S If you plan to remove your bot role gate and use Screening, make sure you enable talking perms on @everyone so they can talk after passing. We've already ensured that pending members are not able to talk, dm, or react until they've accepted the rules.
Community Updates SERVER 23.02.2021 2:16
Hey Admins and Mods, Today we're excited to share with you a new experiment that we'll be rolling out over the next few weeks. You'll no longer need to settle on choosing one server region that your voice channels run on for your whole server. Instead you'll be able to use a different region for each of your voice channels. But what does this mean for you?
  • Each of your voice channels will have a voice region setting. More regions means better call quality because you're not forcing one region for everyone.
  • We've also added a new option called "Automatic." By default, all voice channel regions will be set to "Automatic." This means that the region will be automatically determined based on the first person to join an empty voice channel, and the region can change anytime a voice channel becomes completely empty and new person joins it.
  • You still have the option to set a specific region if you want though. This option will be moving from Server Settings and is now found in each voice channel settings page.
We recommend using the default region, "Automatic", so you don't need to constantly change voice channel regions based on who is in a voice channel (Let Discord handle that!), but you're always able to make changes under Voice Channel Settings at any time. Also — because there's a region setting for each voice channel now means that the permissions to manage this have changed. Instead of granting roles the Manage Server permission to change the server region, any roles that have the Manage Channel permission will be able to adjust the voice channel region if needed. Like we mentioned, this experiment will be rolling out over the next few weeks, and if things look good we'll be swapping over to this system permanently. If you have specific questions around this change, you can check out the Help Center article here:
Community Updates SERVER 24.02.2021 21:41
Hey Admins and Mods! You may have heard about a feature for bots currently in beta called Slash Commands! Essentially, the way users interact with bots is about to become much simpler - it's as easy as typing "/" to bring up all the commands that bot can do. Slash Commands come with features like autocomplete, validation, and error handling. No more typing up memorized commands, which means bots no longer need to read user messages! We're excited for how this update will unlock more fun with bots, and since we know many of you are careful with where and how you manage bot permissions, we wanted to give you a special heads up on what this is and what small actions you can take today to prepare for the upcoming release. What this means for you
  • We are launching a new permission: "Use Slash Commands."
  • Currently, if you've wanted to avoid bot spam in certain channels, you may have turned off read/send message permissions for bots.
  • However, if those bots use Slash Commands in the future, you'll need to configure this new permission in order to keep your channels consistent with how they're set up today. Otherwise, Slash Commands may be able to get around your old permissions setups. Commands are sent directly to the bot and not through reading user messages.
  • Go through your channels and decide where you do and do not want to allow Slash Commands to be used (yes #botspam, no #deleted-channel).
You can see this permission option today on desktop, and on mobile in a few days. Thanks for all your hard work! P.S. Attached is a lil preview of Slash Commands in action.
Community Updates SERVER 31.03.2021 23:34
Hey Admins and Mods, We're making it easier for you to run audio events in your community! Introducing: stage Stage channels, a new type of channel that allow you to share a focused conversation with select speakers to an audience of listeners.
  • You can set a topic on the conversation.
  • Speakers are shown at the top in the UI.
  • All members join as muted listeners by default. No more messing with Speak perms! 🚫
  • Members can raise hand to request to speak. 👋
  • You can designate "Stage moderators" who can approve/deny these requests. In beta testing, we saw communities use Stages for voice AMAs, townhalls, reading clubs where each person talks about their book of choice, and people just singing the night away in karaoke. Other important stuff:
  • Stage channels are audio only; no video or screen share options currently.
  • Up to 1,000 users are able to join Stage channels for now.
  • You can run multiple Stage channels at the same time, similar to current channels.
  • It is out on all platforms: iOS, Android, Desktop, and Web. If you don't see it, please update your client.
  • Got more Qs? Check out:
clubhouse copy lol
Community Updates SERVER 20.05.2021 6:19
Hey Admins and Mods,
  • 🔨 🐛 We've fixed a number of bugs with Membership Screening on Android v73 and above. Members should no longer get stuck!
  • 📜 You can now set a Server Description in Community Settings > Overview on web/desktop. It'll show up in your server pop out on web/desktop and mobile.
Community Updates SERVER 02.06.2021 0:15
Hey Admins and Mods! We have an exciting announcement for our users in US, CA, GB, and AU (more countries to come soon). Today we are officially launching Stage Discovery, a quick way for users to browse and join open audio events from all sorts of communities. As a Community server, you can now set your Stage public and allow members from across Discord to listen in on all of the amazing activities happening live in your server. We think this can be a great way to engage and grow your community. Sing, chat, or learn something new by creating or tuning into a Stage now! There’s a lot more to this new feature, so be sure to read all the details at and make sure your event abides by our Stage Guidelines: P.S. On Mobile, Mentions and Quick Switcher have merged into the same tab and there are more exciting things to come 👀 (edited)
Community Updates SERVER 28.07.2021 6:29
Hi Admins and Mods! Today we are officially launching Threads, which can help you and your community organize conversations by topic within a channel. Learn more about this feature in our blog here: Threads are both a new means in which your community can engage in conversation and a new surface to consider when moderating servers. So, we wanted to give you a heads up on what this means for your community:
  • We’re initially slow rolling out Threads on Discord, while we monitor performance, but hope to get it to all servers by end of the week.
⚠Important ⚠️ For now, Threads will not be enabled by default for Community servers. However, once you get access, you will have a new server settings tab on the web or in your client called “Threads Early Access.” From there, you can turn on Threads by clicking “Enable Threads,” and customize your Thread permissions for your community (e.g. enable in specific channels or disable for certain roles). Otherwise, on August 17th, Thread permissions will be default-on for all Community servers too. Happy 🧵ing!
Community Updates SERVER 01.10.2021 22:56
Hey Community Admins & Mods! We’ve got some exciting and important updates that we wanted to share with you today. Hopefully these updates are valuable in helping you build and create world class communities here on Discord. Custom Role Icons We’ve just introduced our newest perk to Level 2 Boosting - custom role icons, which gives you a fun way to customize and distinguish roles in your server. You’ll be able to see this new feature on both desktop and mobile, but you’ll need to use desktop to set, change, or delete icons for now! Icons for each role will display in the members list and next to each member's name in chat, and you can see all icons associated with your roles in your user profile within the server. The role icon that shows next to someone's name in chat is from their highest role (according to Server Settings > Roles hierarchy). Have more questions? Check our Help Center article here: boostNew Boost Level Pricing We've reduced the number of boosts for Levels 2 and 3 in Server Boosting by half thanks to feedback from our community. Your servers now need 7 boosts to reach Level 2 and 14 boosts to hit Level 3. It’s possible that at this new price point your server may already be at a new level. You can see what those new perks are under Server Name > Server Boost. 📆 Coming Soon: Scheduled Events We’ve just started to roll out a new feature: Scheduled Events. This will allow you to plan ahead and schedule events in Voice or Stage channels as well as a free-form option for events being hosted outside of Discord (link or address) or in a text channel. This will be rolling out to 100% of servers over the next few weeks so be on the lookout. For more information check out our Help Center article here: serverdiscovery New Discovery Eligibility Server Discovery member requirement has now dropped from 7000 to 1000 members. You can go to "Server Settings" > "Discovery" to check if your server is now eligible. stagechannel Sunset of Stage Discovery Finally, we’ve spent some time assessing our latest feature Stage Discovery and where best to serve our communities moving forward. We have made the decision that we will be sunsetting Stage Discovery starting on October 4th. For more info on why we’ve made this decision and what’s to come for communities for the rest of the year check out our latest blog post here: (edited)
Community Updates SERVER 12.11.2021 22:20
Hey Community Admins & Mods! It's time for another update: 📆 Events feature is now live to all servers We're excited to share a better way to organize raid nights, study groups, trivia nights, or your next holiday gathering. You'll now be able to create and schedule Events that are directly displayed in your server. Members can RSVP, share, and will also be notified when the event starts.
  • Events can be in Voice channels, Stage channels, or in a "free-form" location (Twitch link, IRL, a text channel).
  • Only Members with Manage Events permission can create Events. This is default-off, so admins will need to grant it to others.
  • The Events tab only shows to Members if there is an upcoming event.
  • Both Community and non-Community servers can utilize Events.
Partner Applications are open for the Discord Partner Program We love to support communities that invest time and effort on Discord—interested in joining the pack? Apply now and get rewarded for creating an engaged community with our Partner Program.
  • As a server with Community settings enabled, you can apply in-app on the Partner Program tab if your server meets our requirements.
  • Once your application is received, your community will be reviewed based on quantitative and qualitative factors to see if it's a great fit for Partnership. Meeting the requirements to apply doesn't guarantee acceptance.
  • Best of luck to all you aspiring Partners out there!
Thanks for reading!
Community Updates SERVER 21.12.2021 0:02
Hey Community Admins and Moderators, 🕐 Timeout feature is now live to all communities We're excited to share a better way for moderators to temporarily stop a member from interacting in their server! Members in timeout will not be able to reply, react, message or join voice for a set period of time. dot Only Members with Timeout Members permission can time others out. This is default-off, so Owners+Admins will need to grant permission to others. Go to "Server Settings" > Roles. dot Anyone can timeout another member with a role below their own if they have the permission. dotMembers who leave and re-join the server will still be in timeout. dot Members in timeout need to upgrade to latest client version to see the time remaining in their timeout. You may need to manually update to latest iOS and Android clients. dotLearn more about this feature here: (edited)
aberdeener 21.12.2021 2:10
and ?
at least it's not nitro-exclusive
Community Updates SERVER 28.04.2022 1:45
Hello Admin & Mods! Today, we have a new update for slash commands in your servers: Permissions! If you don’t know, slash commands are a new, easier way to use bots on Discord. You might already have some to use—type / to find out! With this new system, you can: dotControl who can use slash commands in your servers dotControl in which channels commands can be used dotSync or unsync commands like channels and categories, making mass management and special cases easy to handle You can find these permissions in Server Settings → Integrations → Pick an app! If the app supports slash commands, you’ll see the UI. ⚠️ If a bot you use has integrated slash commands, the old way of denying the bot Read Messages will not work to moderate commands usage. You’ll need to use this new system to control access. Not sure if your bots support slash commands? Check out in Server Settings → Integrations, or just type /! Check out our blog post to learn more and see a detailed walkthrough: (edited)
There’s a brand-new page in Server Settings: Command Permissions! Server admins and moderators can head into the Integrations page to customize which slash commands can be used, in what channels, and by which roles. Read on for more!
Community Updates SERVER 02.06.2022 0:08
Hey Admins & Mods, Beginning Wednesday, 6/1 we’re rolling out Text Chat in Voice Channels to Discord. With embedded chat in voice channels, your community can send messages, GIFs, links, memes, etc. to everyone in the voice channel—no more clogging #deleted-channel. We are rolling out Text Chat in Voice Channels slowly to all servers throughout the week. Initially, it will not be enabled by default for servers that have greater than 200 members or are set as a Community Server. But once you have access… dot You’ll have a new Server Settings tab on the web or your client called Text in Voice. dot Turn Text Chat in Voice Channels on for your community by selecting Enable. dot Customize permissions for your community, like enabling in specific voice channels or disabling for certain roles. Most developers of your favorite moderation bots have already updated their instances to monitor Text Chat in Voice Channels! For more details on Text Chat in Voice Channels, read our Help Center article here: In four weeks, Text Chat in Voice Channels will be automatically enabled for all servers while still respecting your prescribed permissions—but we recommend you enable it early for all your server members to enjoy! (edited)
Community Updates SERVER 18.06.2022 4:04
Text Chat in Voice Channels will be enabled automatically for all servers on Wednesday, June 29th and we’ve made it easier for you to moderate the surface with Discord’s AutoMod! Here’s how to make the best of this brand-new feature. dot Customize your server’s Channel and Role permissions and opt-in to Text Chat in Voice Channels ahead of time. dot Many of your favorite moderation bots support monitoring Text Chat in Voice Channels and Discord’s new AutoMod can automatically detect and flag undesirable messages and rule-breakers before they are posted; helping you keep conversations clean and giving you time to focus on the fun parts of managing your community: (AutoMod Help Center article here: dot Debut your new Text Chat In Voice Channels in your next D&D session or movie night. dot Sit back and enjoy a less chaotic #deleted-channel with zero context, now that members can send messages within voice channels. For more details on Text Chat in Voice Channels read our Help Center article here: We can’t wait to see how you make the most of Text Chat In Voice Channels. (edited)
In Discord, there are three ways to communicate with your friends: voice, video, and text. For this article, you'll learn more about where to engage with others through text. What this article cove...
Community Updates SERVER 22.06.2022 9:20
Hello Admins & Mods! It’s official. 2022 is the year of communities. That’s why we’ve been investing in ways to make it easier to start, grow, and protect your communities on Discord. Today, we’re unveiling new tools and resources fresh from our labs so let’s dive in. It’s Easy To Keep Your Community And Conversations Clean With AutoMod Meet AutoMod, your new best friend in moderation. Designed to reduce work and stress for moderators, AutoMod comes equipped with keyword filters to help keep your server clean and safe around the clock by automatically filtering out harmful or undesirable messages before they’re posted. Enjoy newfound peace of mind, even when you’re offline. Enable AutoMod in Server Settings > AutoMod. Once the wheels are turning… :dot: Choose from readily available keyword filters or customize your own with lists of words or phrases and the actions AutoMod will take when they’re found in your server. :dot: AutoMod’s keyword filters can automatically detect, block, and alert you of messages containing harmful words or phrases—before they’re ever posted. :dot: Receive alerts from AutoMod when members try to use words from your lists and assign actions like Timeout from the alert itself. :dot: Add Wildcards to your keywords to detect variations of words that partially match those on your lists. bluedot bake* ⇒ Today, we baked some coffee cake bluedot *milk ⇒ I add soymilk to my coffee bluedot *press* ⇒ A Gibraltar is equal parts espresso and milk :dot: It just works™️ on any message sent (i.e., in #text-channels, Threads, Text chat in Voice channels). Check out our Help Center article for all your burning questions. Your friendly AutoMod is raring to go on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and the web app. Don’t delay—employ your AutoMod today! New Tools To Build Thriving Communities On Discord At Discord, we believe anyone can build a thriving community. We’re excited to share new products and support to help you do so—coming sooner than you think. :dot: Explore a new preview of Premium Memberships, bringing customizability to communities and creators platform-wide! :dot: Meet Community Resources, your one-stop shop for learning how to build your server into a community! Learn to build, engage, grow, and manage a space where anyone can belong. :dot: Chat with your peers in our brand new Discord Admin Community, a space where admins, creators, and community managers can connect. Incredible communities on Discord are built by incredible admins and moderators like you. We can’t wait to do more together. (edited)
Community moderation should be a hobby you celebrate, and we want to help you out. We'll be taking some of that moderation work off your hands and tackling it ourselves: Say hello to AutoMod!
Community Updates SERVER 10.08.2022 23:31
Hey Admins and Moderators, We've got an update on all things Community today! If you haven't joined our Discord Admin Community… what are you waiting for? Head over to Server Setting > Community overview and join us — we've got a slew of exciting and fun stuff planned that you won’t want to miss out on. 🪴 Below is a sneak peek at the Stage events we’ve got cookin’! dot August 16th: Safety on Discord dot August 25th: Utilizing Automod in your Community To join our Discord Admin Community, your server will need to hit a few engagement requirements. Once your community reaches the requirements listed, any of your Admins or Moderators with the “Manage Server” permission will be able to join the Discord Admin Community via Server Settings > Community. 📚 Community Resources We recently released our Community Resources, a one-stop shop for learning how to build, engage, grow, and manage a space where anyone can belong. New articles, showcases, and more will be added in the future, so be sure to bookmark it for later. If you haven't already taken a peek at some of our content, you can check out the latest video! 🤖 Apps & Bots If your server uses a verified app, the way you send commands has probably changed in the last year - if it hasn’t, it may very soon! Developers of verified apps have been migrating to Slash Commands. The deadline to finish migrating is the end of August, which means on Sept 1, any apps that haven’t finished may have reduced functionality. If you haven’t tried out slash commands yet, type / in your server to see all the commands you have access to. If your favorite app isn’t listed, they may not yet have enabled slash commands. Or, you might need to check out the new permissions system in Server Settings > Integrations. If you run across any issues, you can reach out to individual app developers to find out more. Learn more here: (edited)
Community Updates SERVER 07.09.2022 4:48
Hey Admins and Mods! In our mission to help you keep your communities safe and lift some of that moderation work off your shoulders, we’ve set our sights on helping you more easily detect and prevent spam and raids. Today's spotlight introduces new features that help keep your communities cleaner from spam, and a preview into our early plans on building tools to deal with raids. automod Keep your Community clean from spam with new AutoMod spam filters We know dealing with spammy messages sucks. If only there was a way spammy messages could be blocked from being posted in your channels and threads in the first place… Thankfully, every community’s best friend in moderation - AutoMod - just got buffed with some new spam-cleansing abilities. Enable AutoMod in Server Settings > AutoMod to save hours of moderation work with these new filters: dotBlock Mention Spam - Detect and block mention spam and mention raids before they happen to keep chat clean and prevent members in your community from receiving annoying mention notifications and ghost pings. Set your own limit on the number of mentions a message may contain (up to 50). dot Block Spam Content - Detect and block messages containing text content that has been widely flagged as spam by user reports. Great for blocking unwanted spam like those pesky free Nitro scams, unsolicited advertisements, and invite spam that disrupt your Community's friendly conversations and game nights. Check out our updated AutoMod FAQ help article: Our early plans and progress to protect communities from raids We know being raided is one of the worst experiences you and your Community can go through which is why we’re giving you a heads up that we’re exploring ways to better detect and prevent raids before they take place, while making it easier to de-escalate a raid when they do happen. While we’re in the earlier stages of progress here at Discord Labs™, rest assured we’re eager to equip you with effective tools to more easily deal with raids as quickly as we can. So what can you do now? dot Report Raids: You can now directly send us feedback reports when a raid is taking place in your server by going to your Server Dropdown and selecting Report Raid. If your Community is being raided, we encourage you to partner with us in our moderation efforts by reporting the situation as we’ll be regularly reviewing your raid reports to develop tooling that combat raids. dot Pause invitations to your Community at anytime - You can now pause your invite links for when you want to temporarily prevent people from joining your server without having to revoking your invite links or vanity URLs - just head over to Server Settings > Invites. Because this cuts off the flow of new arrivals, you'll have an easier time halting a raid in progress. It also lets well-intentioned community members trying to join know that the stoppage is temporary, and that soon, they’ll be able to come back to the same link and try again. Learn more about pausing invites: How we’re protecting communities from suspicious links: To help y’all with the legwork in dealing with messages containing malicious links, we’ve buffed every Community server with a proactive suspicious link filter designed to detect and block messages containing links that are verified to be harmful, such as those leading to malware or phishing sites that try to steal people’s personal or financial information. We’ll be continuously working on identifying links that might mislead or redirect users by reviewing a regularly updated list of unsafe and phishing websites:
Community Updates SERVER 14.09.2022 21:26
Hey Admins and Mods, Y’all ready for some of that ~ juicy ~ product news? After a bunch of testing, we’re excited to begin rolling out Forum Channels across Community servers! Forum Channels are a new type of channel that provide a dedicated, organized space for conversations. Since conversations are contained in individual posts, your members can browse topics before jumping in—without worrying about breaking up or getting in the way of other on-going conversations. If you’ve been waiting for this news in anticipation and are ready to dive right in, go right ahead and click that Create Channel button. You should see that forum channels are now an option for you. If it’s not, you may be part of a small group of users who will have to wait just a little longer. (soontm) Want to do a bit more deep thonking and research around how to best use Forum Channels before diving in? The following article on our Community Resources site will guide you on your journey to reaching forum Valhalla: (edited)
why isn't there a way to disable these
because these are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT messages
it literally showed me a big popup informing me that forums are available..
Community Updates SERVER 06.12.2022 8:44
Hey Admins and Mods! Reach for the stars with new revenue tools for creators and communities on Discord. sparkleblurple Server Subscriptions available in the US! sparkleblurple dot Customize tiers, offer exclusive paid content, and meet future subscribers with Promo Pages—all while providing as much of a free experience to your community as you want. ( dot Server Subscriptions are only available in the US. Join our waitlist to be notified if they're available in your area. ( sparklegreen Private Threads are now available to all! sparklegreen dot Your community no longer needs to have Server Boosting to Level 2 to use Private Threads. sparkleyellow Improvements to Server Insights! sparkleyellow dot Dates should be more accurate. dot Conversations in Forum Channels will contribute to Engagement metrics, and now you can see joins via Student Hubs, Integrations, and Bots. dot The requirement to be a Communicator has been increased from 1 to 3 messages sent per week. This only applies to the Engagement tab and doesn’t impact Partner requirements. sparklefuschia Forum Channels now with Gallery View! sparklefuschia dot Gallery View gives posts in image-heavy Forum Channels like #fanart and #pet-pics room to shine - easily toggle between List View and Gallery View at any time. dot With this update, Forum Channels are now officially available on all Community servers! sparklered AutoMod keeps getting better! sparklered dot Alongside more Custom Rules, we’ve added Allowlists to your custom rules! Messages containing anything you’ve added to your Allowlist will not be flagged by AutoMod. dot We’ve also added the ability to filter messages using RegEX in your custom rules. ( Enjoy your new tools, everyone! (edited)
Creators and community leaders can now learn and earn with Discord: Today, we’re expanding the availability of Server Subscriptions, allowing existing creators to now earn directly on Discord. Learn how to use these new features with our Creator Portal, a one-stop-shop for education and inspiration.
Community Updates SERVER 29.03.2023 23:11
Hey Admins and Mods, Beginning on March 31, over the next several weeks we will start to roll out a new feature called Soundboard. This feature will let users upload custom short sounds to their servers, and then use those sounds to communicate in Voice Channels. Click here to learn more about soundboard: To help you keep your server safe, we have already released some new permissions around Soundboard. You can now access and configure these permissions directly from Server Settings:
  • Use Soundboard: Determines who in your server is able to use soundboard.
  • Manage Expressions: Determines who in your server is able to upload and manage sounds. Visit the help center article linked above to read more about Soundboard permissions! Peace and Love,
Discord Team
Community Updates SERVER 04.05.2023 4:02
Hey Admins and Mods, Since 2015, every Discord username has been cAsE sEnSitIvE and had a number attached to it called a discriminator (e.g., #0001). This lets you have the same username as someone else as long as you have different discriminators or different case letters. However, this also means you have to remember a set of 4-digit numbers and account for case sensitivity to connect with your friends. ✨We wanted to make it easier for you to identify and add your friends while preserving your ability to use your preferred name across Discord. So, we are removing discriminators and introducing new, unique usernames and display names.💠 New usernames are lowercase, alphanumeric, limited to certain special characters, and do not have discriminators, making them easier to remember, read, type, and share. Now, rather than having to remember “PhiBi#8936,” you just say “I'm phibiscool” and that’s it. Your new username will be unique to you, and when friends try to add you there won’t be any mistakes of the wrong discriminator or incorrect letter casing. 💠 Display names are what’s shown both to your friends and in communities. Think of them as server nicknames that work globally across Discord. You can change it whenever you want, and it can be whatever you want, including special characters, as long as it follows our Community Guidelines If a username you were eyeing gets taken before you can claim it, no worries — you can still use it as a display name. 📩 When you’re eligible to change your old username and claim a new username, you’ll be notified in-app. The older your Discord account, the sooner you will become eligible to pick a new username. 📩 Visit our blog to hear from one of our founders about why usernames are changing. To learn more about usernames and display names, check out our Help Center Article for all the details. (edited)
but why
Community Updates SERVER 09.06.2023 6:49
Hey Mods and Admins, We're here with an update to make it more clear how we categorize the different types of servers, how to recognize them, and what you can expect in those spaces. 💠 Friend Server Friend Servers are invite-only spaces designed to discuss, connect, and share with your friends or smaller groups. Invite links in Friend servers will expire at a maximum of 30 days, though previously created non-expiring links will remain active and functional. Friend Servers who wish to have access to Community features may opt-in to become a Community Server at any time in server settings. 💠Community Server Community Servers are spaces designed for people to share, connect, and learn from others all over the world who share common interests. Moderators in Community Servers have access to tools like Server Insights, Raid Protection, Rules, and Onboarding. Becoming a Community Server does not mean that anyone can find or join your server. Prospective members have to be sent an invite link. 💠Updating Server Badging In order for users to know what type of server they’re in, we’ve introduced badges for Community Servers. We will display a distinct server badge if the server is a
  • Community Server
  • Discoverable Community
  • Partnered Server
  • Verified Server Hovering over the badge will provide more detailed information about the server type, whether anyone can join the server, and the Boost level. Communities that previously had the “Public” tag will now have a “Discoverable Community” badge (denoted by a globe). For more information on our approach to safety across server types, please visit our Safety Center.
Community Updates SERVER 21.06.2023 6:02
Hey Admins and Mods, You all make this Discord world go round, and we’re always looking for ways to continue to show our appreciation and give you the support you deserve. To help you and your community thrive, we recently invested in a Wump-ton of new and updated resources. You now have more ways than ever to connect with other admins, learn best practices directly from Discord, and stay on top of essential news.

Introducing the Admin Newsletter! 📰

Community Updates SERVER 12.07.2023 1:17

Server Guide is coming to all communities

Server Guide is a dedicated space within your community that points members to essential parts of your space and encourages them to participate. Many admins who have already set theirs up are seeing big bumps in member engagement. nitroup Here are some of the features in the Server Guide that might boost your member activity. ➡️ Welcome Sign: A custom message from you to new members, placed at the top. star New Member To Do's 3-5 next steps for new members that get them talking and participating in your community. star Resources: Declutter your server by turning read-only channels into fancy, easy-to-digest pages with images you upload (so make sure to upload an image) Another perk: Members land at the top of these Resource pages instead of the bottom of a message thread, and message bars and avatars are removed so it looks cleaner. Otherwise, your content, embeds, media, and formatting stay the same.

That’s not all. 2 more updates to make moderation better!

🤖 Automod for Profiles Sometimes bad actors set their display names in a way that breaks the rules. Automod will allow you to block specific language in a member's profile, preventing them from interacting with others in your community until they update their profile. 🚫 Remove Reactions by Emoji Instead of removing all reactions from a post or individually deleting them, you can select the emojis you want to remove.
Community Updates SERVER 16.09.2023 21:37

Discord Communities are Getting a Safety Buff 🦺

Today, we're rolling out three new features that will help you keep your communities safe from DM spam and raids: Activity Alerts, Security Actions, and a revamped Members page.

Activity Alerts and Security Actions

Activity Alerts will notify you of abnormal server behavior, particularly massive raids or unusual DM activity. From there, your team can investigate further and take further action to protect your community as necessary. If it doesn’t seem like an issue, you can easily mark it as safe. Security Actions allow swift server lockdowns by surfacing useful tools quicker, helping halt new member joins or aiding in closing off DMs between non-friend community members. Current Security Actions include:
  • Pause Invites: Stop new members from using any invites to join the server. Experienced moderators may know this one already, and now it’s more easily accessible.
  • Pause DMs: Temporarily stops new DMs from being sent between members in the server. This excludes friends DMing each other, when moderators DM server members, or DMs from Apps. ## Members Page
Previously tucked away in Server Settings, the Members page is used to find specific members, display members with a specific role, and even help you prune inactive members. Now, the Members page is in a more easily-accessible spot above your server’s channel list. And it’s been reimagined, letting you view your members in a more organized manner. It now displays relevant safety information about your members:
  • Join Date: See when they joined your server.
  • Invite Link: See which invite link they used to join your server.
  • Account Age: See if they’ve been on Discord for a while or are a new user.
  • Signals: Appears if someone may have been engaging in unusual DM Activity, or flags a member you’ve timed out. Use this to easily filter and find members who might require additional action or review. Over time, we plan on surfacing additional relevant Signals. All of these new features work in tandem to provide mods with the helpful information and actions needed to help squash DM spam and thwart raids. We’re committed to improving safety on Discord by empowering and equipping mods with more tools to help protect your servers from harmful disruptions. It’s a never-ending journey, so stay tuned—the best is yet to come! For the details on how to use these new tools, check out the following articles in our help center: Members page Help Center Article Activity Alerts + Security Actions Help Center Article
Community Updates SERVER 13.05.2024 21:38

👀 What's that tag?

Hey Admins and Mods! Starting May 15, it's possible you might notice something new next to some of your members' usernames: ✨ Guild Tags ✨ See a cute little tag next to a member's username or profile? That's a Guild Tag, which indicates someone's membership to a chosen Guild. You can click on this tag to see the Guild profile, and even apply for membership there as well. What this means for you, beloved Admins and Mods, is that if your server's AutoMod is on, it will also check for Guild Tags ☑What's a Guild? It's a small, exclusive server that members can apply to join. These servers are tight-knit communities where members can relish in shared identities, hobbies, play styles, and more!
Please note that Guilds are only available to a small number of servers at this time, so not every server has access to this experiment. Additionally, our support team cannot manually add servers to this experiment.
Much love, The Discord Team
Community Updates SERVER 11.06.2024 19:30

shapes More Apps in More Places shapes

Hey Admins and Mods! Starting June 18, you might notice members of your server bringing new fun, games, and functionality to your space with apps. We launched a new feature that allows anyone to add apps to their own account, and use them across all of their servers, DMs, and GDMs. Check out our Help Center article to learn about how you can effectively moderate apps in your server, including:
  • What these apps can (and can’t) do
  • How to set up our new “Use External Apps” permission, available now
  • How we leveled up AutoMod to keep your server safe
Wanna spend some time tinkering? Follow our guide to building your own app! Stay awesome, The Discord Team
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