Because of the move to weblate and the full bot rewrite, all translations have been removed from the github repo. If you want to copy paste old translations when making new translations, you can find them in the attached zip file
NamelessMC currently has two Spanish languages; "Spanish" and "SpanishES". Nameless-Link has one ("es"). Nameless-Link determines its language from the website language, for example "EnglishUK" -> "en". Should both "Spanish" and "SpanishES" use "es" or is there a difference?(edited)
What are the main differences between Latin American Spanish and Spanish in Spain? Would a person from Spain be understood in Argentina? Would a Colombian be able to get by in Spain?
NamelessMC currently has two Spanish languages; "Spanish" and "SpanishES". Nameless-Link has one ("es"). Nameless-Link determines its language from the website language, for example "EnglishUK" -> "en". Should both "Spanish" and "SpanishES" use "es" or is there a difference? (edited)
There is quite a difference, the problem is that there is a lack of organization among the translators. Spanish (es) is understood as latin america variation, while SpanishES (esES) is understood as the Spain variation (Castilian)(edited)